Is the Bible Really God's Word?
The short answer, and the one that you might expect from a religious person, is "Yes, it is!", but you might have a few doubts. Doubts are OK as long as they're not "agenda driven" -- that is to say as long as you don't have a special reason to want to doubt them (such as, you don't like what it says). But there are planty of good reasons to believe that the Bible is God's word. Let me lista few with short explanations.
1) Prophetic accuracy -- every prophecy, except those having to do with the end of time, have come to pass just as the bible predicted. Mere men do not, cannot, have 100% accuracy about such things.
2) Historical accuracy -- although there always seems to be an historical critic and doubter regarding something the Bible says, the Bible has yet to be proven wrong about anything in history.
3) Scientific accuracy -- the differences between the Bible and Darwinism is widely known, of course, but Darwinian evolutionists still have not proven their claim -- even after 150 (plus) years. But beyond evolution the Bible has actually been prescient about a number of scientific things long before modern science discovered them: curvature of the earth, the water cycle, and bacterial origins of diseases.
5) Unexplainable unity -- even though the Bible has had some 40 human authors and was written over a period of 1500 years, in three different languages, by men of diverse backgrounds, cultures, and education the Bible manifests a remarkable cohesion of purpose, values, narrative, quality, and doctrine; all of which point unmistakably to one true author of it all -- God Himself. Though there have been a number in every age who have claimed contradictions and problems in the text, the Bible has answered and outlasted them all.
6) The "ring of truth" -- the previous reasons are facts that can be established by objective data, but this one's a little more subjective: the Bible sounds like truth. This is not to say that everything it says makes me jump for joy. Like real truth, some things the Bible says are wise, some are unpleasant, some are downright ugly, and some are clearly good and righteous. That's what we'd expect from divine truth, isn't it?
Much more could be said -- whole books have been written on the subject, full of details -- but hopefuly you've found the taste of an answer here. Got more questions on this topic? Drop me a line in email.
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